They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

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Thank you for joining us for
the 7 Days of

This year, we are called to live fully devoted to Jesus—rooted in His Word, connected in fellowship, anchored in His sacrifice, and strengthened through prayer. Here are four ways to walk in devotion every day:

1. Through the Word
Hunger for Jesus, the living Word. Read it, hear it, believe it, and live it out daily.

2. Through Fellowship. Stay connected to the body of Christ. Walk with Jesus and His people, encourage one another, and grow together.

3. Through the Breaking of Bread. Remember His sacrifice. Honor His body and His blood, receive His grace, and share in communion often.
4. Through Prayer. Seek Him daily. Worship, listen, and intercede with faith and expectation.

This is our year to be fully DEVOTED—hearts surrendered, lives transformed, and Jesus at the center of it all!

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Vision Sunday Devotional


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